V2.01: IC7100 TUNE button (fixed) + Audio TX Missing (Fix?)

Just noticed, i think the TUNE function is not working, Server 2.01 on Linux, IC7100

EDIT: TUNE works on the server instance, but not on remote instances.

Also appears TX AUDIO GAIN (Mic) is always at Zero on the server when launching.

Yes I have just seen that, the radio has two different commands for ATU, and it looks like I have added the wrong one. I have corrected this on the attached file. Please replace the IC-7100.rig file in your wfview rigs directory (c:\Program Files\wfview\rigs) and restart wfview.

Not sure why this would be the case? Once connected to the radio, it should ask for the currently selected input type level. Does it say MIC under the slider (not USB or ACC?)

IC-7100.rig (23.4 KB)

Thanks for the Tune Fix…

Audio slider/level seems to be related to audio just not behaving predictably with the 7100. 2.01 seems unable to accept incoming audio from a client ever, and, after a period, no audio is heard by the client either.

there might be another issue with the server itself dropping USB - as i have noticed the server settings for audio device switching to the motherboard sound devices, and the rig needs to be powered down/up to allow the ic7100 USB audio to be selected, but, in this state, control still works and meters are being updated etc.

swapping to the old 1.6x binary restores audio right away.

Is the server also version 2.01?

Can you verify all audio device selections are sensible?

Does the TxRxAudio meter on the client side show any motion during receive or transmit?

de W6EL

This will happen if the rig USB audio is inaccessible for some reason. Which audio system are you using? I would recommend “Qt Audio” as that is the most compatible. We have very little control over this as we just ask the O/S for a list of devices available.

If the default audio device isn’t available (either unplugged or some other reason) then it will select the next available device.

I will check TX audio though as it certainly should work!

Yup… server was 2.01 - a fresh compile of the latest pull using the build script…

We switched back to the 1.6x binary to confirm it was version-related, so i’ll make a note of the server settings on the GUI, although i think the same .conf would be used by both binaries, so settings would be the same in both, or am i wrong?

I saw a video of a connected client on W10, where the client Audio meter was showing action, but the power meter was not budging. I was watching the server instance at the same time and can confirm PTT, but no movement on the meter.

I’ll play again today, want to eliminate the server hardware from this, i need to see it’s not happening on 1.6x.

The USB audio devices vanishing never happened using an Rpi as server. This is a ‘real’ PC build, so i can only assume this is the OS (Deb 12) trying to be smart and cooling the USB ports to save the planet, i need to get to the bottom of that as it’s infuriating and needs to be eliminated before anything else can be addressed.

…checking the status popup in the client, I could see audio was making it to the server, but not to the rig TX audio.

enabling DATA mode/toggling on the client allowed it to pass properly! was this a thing in 1.6x? Anyway, it’s working now. Just needed to make the radio settings USB.

maybe related: also saw alsamixer had dropped the USB audio volume to zero again on it’s own on the server. odd.

my thought that the motherboard was cooling the USB ports looks unlikely, as today 1.6x server had lost audio settings (both blank) overnight, and an lsusb showed the USB audio devices were still present.

I have wfview set to run on boot, and a reboot every 48 hours, but also a cron to check it has not crashed every 10 minutes, and start it again if it has (it never does crash…) i may disable the ‘start on boot’, leave it to the cron to kick it off after a period to give the USB sound a chance to settle.

You probably just need to set the MOD source to USB on the radio for the data-off mode. You can do this within wfview’s radio settings. Or use the menus on the radio.

2.01 - Tuner button doesn’t working for my ic-7100 (wfview installed localy) even with new IC-7100.rig
When I send this command $FEFE88E0.1C.01.02.FD direct to CAT all working fine.

You must replace the existing IC-7100 file, there cannot be more than 1 file in that directory that supports the same rig.

Yes. Sorry, recheked it with admin permissions - new IC-7100.rig fix the problem. Thank you.

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