Please provide the following information with your question:
- Operating System: Windows 11
- Method of download attempted (from, package manager, source code, etc):
- Radio Model: ICOM IC-7300
- Method of radio connectivity (USB, WiFi, Ethernet, etc): Server > USB to Radio, Remote via WIFI / Internet
- Did you check the FAQ and read the manual? Yes
hello community,
I have been running the wfview-remote program for a while now; many thanks for developing this great program.
I have the following situation:
version on server: 1.62 and version on the remote-computer: 1.64
→ everything works very well.
however, when I update the server to version 1.64 (all settings remain the same), I get a “chirping” sound during voice transmission (e.g. RX) and I can no longer understand it.
can anyone help me? what could be going wrong?