Wfview and Wsjt-x connecting with virtual USB port

Please provide the following information with your question:

  1. Operating System: Windows 10
  2. Method of download attempted (from, package manager, source code, etc):
  3. Radio Model: Icom 7300
  4. Method of radio connectivity (USB, WiFi, Ethernet, etc): USB
  5. Did you check the FAQ and read the manual? Yes
    I didn’t want to have to ask for help but I can’t get wsjt-x to operate normally using Wfview. Receive is working fine, but when I try to control my IC-7300 the radio times out and throws an error every few minutes. I am using the virtual serial ports emulator to create a pair of virtual USB ports, in this case ports 39 and 40.
    In Wfview under external control I set the Virtual port to 39 and in Wsjt-x to port 40. I have my baud rate set to 115200 with Data bits, Stop bits and Handshake to default and PTT method to CAT. I also tried setting Data bits to 8 Stop bits to 1 and handshake to none and it made no difference.
    After entering the settings, I clicked on Test CAT and it turned green, I also tried Test PTT and it keyed the radio.
    But I noticed that even thought my radio was being keyed, I could see not output on the radio. No ALC deflection at all even though I turned up the output using the PWR slider in Wsjt-x.
    I also checked PSKReporter and my call was not seen at all.

Any help is greatly appreciated,

Dave WV5A

No audio output usually means the radio’s modulation source is set wrong.

Can you check what the mod source is?


Under radio settings, Data off Modulation Input is set to Mic and Data Mod Inputs Data 1 is set to USB


Try setting both to USB, and then verify in wsjt-x that you have the correct usb device selected for the audio. Typically it is called something like “USB CODEC Burr-Brown” but the name does vary.


I am giving up on Wfview for now. I can either have Wsjt-x work or Wvfiew work, but for me at least they are not working together. Installing and using Wfview automatically causes the CAT control on Wsjt-x to stop working and the only way to get it to work again is to uninstall Wvfview. I tried using the virtual port drivers per the documentation and even tried Rigctrld which did not work for me.

I appreciate your work and the help you provide for the software. But I am an old guy and don’t have the stamina to spend hours trying to troubleshoot. I might come back to Wfview if I find that someone has created a step by step instruction for installing Wvfiew with my specific situation, i.e. an Icom IC-7300 using Windows 10 and Wsjt-x.


Dave WV5A


I just wanted to let you know that I got everything working and am very satisfied with the software.
My biggest issue was using the virtual cables both USB and audio.
I was attempting to use a virtual USB port to control the Wfview software with Wsjt-x. This worked but was spotty and caused many crashes.
My attempt to use RigCtld was not successful. Yesterday after reading about replacing the libhamlib-4.dll with an updated DLL. After replacing the DLL that comes packaged with WSJT-x with an updated DLL I was able to enable RigCtld successfully.
Also reading more through the Wfview manual and watching tons of videos on Wfview and Wsjt-x the light finally came on and I was able to successfully use both Wsjt-x and SSB remotely using my laptop connected to a server in my basement that is connected to my IC-7300.
Thank you very much for your software and support.


Dave WV5A

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Hi Dave,

That is excellent news, I was hoping you’d get it. Stay tuned for 2.04, due soon, which should make controlling wfview a bit better from programs like wsjt-x. OTOH since what you have works… maybe keep it going that way!

de W6EL

Thanks Elliot,

By the way. The reason I’ve switched to your software is I couldn’t make BA-1 work with but SSB and Wsjt-x without having to uninstall and reinstall both software.
One thing I do like from Icom is the RC-28 usb external dial.
Does Wfview play with BA-1 installed? And if not is there any chance you might add RC-28 support?

Thanks again,


Thanks so much. That’s exactly what I needed to know. I found it and my RC-28 works great now.
