Method of radio connectivity (USB, WiFi, Ethernet, etc): USB
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I didn’t want to have to ask for help but I can’t get wsjt-x to operate normally using Wfview. Receive is working fine, but when I try to control my IC-7300 the radio times out and throws an error every few minutes. I am using the virtual serial ports emulator to create a pair of virtual USB ports, in this case ports 39 and 40.
In Wfview under external control I set the Virtual port to 39 and in Wsjt-x to port 40. I have my baud rate set to 115200 with Data bits, Stop bits and Handshake to default and PTT method to CAT. I also tried setting Data bits to 8 Stop bits to 1 and handshake to none and it made no difference.
After entering the settings, I clicked on Test CAT and it turned green, I also tried Test PTT and it keyed the radio.
But I noticed that even thought my radio was being keyed, I could see not output on the radio. No ALC deflection at all even though I turned up the output using the PWR slider in Wsjt-x.
I also checked PSKReporter and my call was not seen at all.
Try setting both to USB, and then verify in wsjt-x that you have the correct usb device selected for the audio. Typically it is called something like “USB CODEC Burr-Brown” but the name does vary.
I am giving up on Wfview for now. I can either have Wsjt-x work or Wvfiew work, but for me at least they are not working together. Installing and using Wfview automatically causes the CAT control on Wsjt-x to stop working and the only way to get it to work again is to uninstall Wvfview. I tried using the virtual port drivers per the documentation and even tried Rigctrld which did not work for me.
I appreciate your work and the help you provide for the software. But I am an old guy and don’t have the stamina to spend hours trying to troubleshoot. I might come back to Wfview if I find that someone has created a step by step instruction for installing Wvfiew with my specific situation, i.e. an Icom IC-7300 using Windows 10 and Wsjt-x.
I just wanted to let you know that I got everything working and am very satisfied with the software.
My biggest issue was using the virtual cables both USB and audio.
I was attempting to use a virtual USB port to control the Wfview software with Wsjt-x. This worked but was spotty and caused many crashes.
My attempt to use RigCtld was not successful. Yesterday after reading about replacing the libhamlib-4.dll with an updated DLL. After replacing the DLL that comes packaged with WSJT-x with an updated DLL I was able to enable RigCtld successfully.
Also reading more through the Wfview manual and watching tons of videos on Wfview and Wsjt-x the light finally came on and I was able to successfully use both Wsjt-x and SSB remotely using my laptop connected to a server in my basement that is connected to my IC-7300.
Thank you very much for your software and support.
That is excellent news, I was hoping you’d get it. Stay tuned for 2.04, due soon, which should make controlling wfview a bit better from programs like wsjt-x. OTOH since what you have works… maybe keep it going that way!
By the way. The reason I’ve switched to your software is I couldn’t make BA-1 work with but SSB and Wsjt-x without having to uninstall and reinstall both software.
One thing I do like from Icom is the RC-28 usb external dial.
Does Wfview play with BA-1 installed? And if not is there any chance you might add RC-28 support?