WFView crashes with IC-705 wireless

IC 705 firmware v1.24, Windows 10, wfview 1.62, WSJTX 2.5. Running the 705 connected as a station connected to my home wifi.

WFView hangs after a random period of time (sometimes an hour, somtimes 12 hours) and I have to reboot the radio and restart WFView to clear.

Is there an error log I can look at or share to uncover what’s happening behind the scenes?


Mark, WD4ELG

Hi Mark,

You can press the “Log” button and see wfview’s log.

de W6EL

Here’s the log data from the relevant crash time:

2023-06-12 17:44:39.755 INF udp: udpCivData : sending request for missing packet : “0x1667”
2023-06-12 17:44:44.534 INF udp: Audio Watchdog: no audio data received for 2s, restart required?
2023-06-12 17:44:44.535 INF audioconverter: Closing audioConverter() Input: 1 Channels of 0 48000 Int16 Output: 2 Channels of 0 48000 Int16
2023-06-12 17:44:44.537 INF audioconverter: Closing audioConverter() Input: 2 Channels of 0 48000 Int16 Output: 1 Channels of 0 48000 Int16
2023-06-12 17:44:44.549 INF udp: CIV Watchdog: no CIV data received for 2s, requesting data start.

Upon restarting WFView, it will not connect to the IC-705. I have to restart the rig to get it working again.

If you exit normally, can you just wait about five minutes, before starting wfview again?

The LAN indicator stays on for some time on the rig, if that is off you should be able to connect sgsin

Thanks Roeland. I will try that.

The crashes only seem to happen when I am in FT4 or FT8 mode. I ran a test overnight in WSPR and no crashes.

Any suggestions on how to trace what’s happening? Do you have a debug build available?

If you need a debug build, you’ll have to build it yourself, but it isn’t too difficult. Anyone with a debugger already installed and configured can probably do it.

You can get debug-level logging using the --debug startup flag or by just checking the debug checkbox in the log window.

Not being able to reconnect is a feature of the radio, by design they do not allow one to connect until you have either properly disconnected (which does not happen if the connection hangs of course), or, you have to timeout (typically 5-10 minutes). You can also just reboot the radio. It’s annoying but we can’t do anything about it.

de W6EL

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Perhaps you’ve got network problems. Since the latest firmware for the rig is 1.32, perhaps you might update that and see if it’s a rig issue that’s been fixed in firmware.