Wfview v2.01, IC7610 minor problem

I like to use the dual watch function with my IC7610. Both VFOs are synched, the upper spectrum is the detail, the lower one gives a frequency overview.

When you change the frequency within wfview (mouse-wheel, keyboard or vfo knob) only the active band is changed. So the synch is broken, but not switched off. Imho, that should be identical to the vfo knob function at the IC7610 (change both vfos).

Thomas, DL3EL

Hi Thomas,

I had not tried VFO sync before.

It sounds like you have VFO sync enabled on the radio but that it does not force the sync when tuned via the computer.

We could potentially add this as a function within wfview. Doesn’t sound too hard. I will look into it.

de W6EL