Wrong audio driver IC-7300

Please provide the following information with your question:

  1. Operating System: Windows 11
  2. Method of download attempted (from wfview.org, package manager, source code, etc): ICOM site
  3. Radio Model: IC-7300
  4. Method of radio connectivity (USB, WiFi, Ethernet, etc): USB
  5. Did you check the FAQ and read the manual? yes

thanks for the information. What did you download from ICOM’s site?

I have been using my IC-7300 with WSJX for a few years, with no problems at all, using a Windows 11 notebook. I finally decided to install a desktop PC in the shack, also based in Windows 11. It happens that I connectede the usb radio cable to the computer before installing the drivers. Than I remembered I needed the proper ICOM drivers and had them installed. The WSJX is working but it seems that I have problems with the audio driver. A generic Windows driver was installed to drive ICOMs audio and I don’t know how to fix it. The signal that it produces in reception is very low.
I downloaded the automatic instalating drivers from ICOM site. The COM port driver is Silicon Labs The audio driver installed is Microsoft 10.0.22621.1992. It apears as USB Audio CODEC.

Are you using wfview? It’s hard to tell from your post.

actually not. I am using Win4Icom and Log4OM. I wonder if there is a specific audio driver for the IC-7300 or if Windows uses the generic driver for audio. Problems started after I installed the radio in a new PC and my FT8 reading became very dirty.

You are on your own here. No support here. Only thing I can tell you is that you normally should install and use icom drivers, the way Icom describes.

Try here for general IC-7300 questions:

This website (wfview.org) focuses on wfview, software which you might want to run after you get your radio drivers working.

de W6EL

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There also is a Win4icom group on groups.io and the developer/maintainer is known for good support