WSJT-X integration Mac OS

Hello all. I have an IC-705 successfully working with wfview for phone but would like to to FT8 using WSJT-X. I am using SoundFlower which seems to be working properly but my issue is establishing cat control with WSJT-X. I can’t seem to figure it out.

Can someone who has had success with this please outline the configuration steps? I believe my issue lies somewhere with WSJT-X not seeing a virtual serial port.

Thank you!

If it wasn’t apparent, I am trying to do this wirelessly over my home wifi network and not with the radio directly connected via USB.

I am experiencing a similar issue using the same connection to my 705. However, my wfview and wsjtx are installed in a Linux environment ran under my ChromeOS Chromebook.

Is your user a member of the dialout group?

I am offering any suggestion as we are both kind of in the same boat.


Dialout group? Not sure. What does that group do?

This is one of the main reasons why we added rigctld emulation into wfview. It can be used instead of virtual serial port. Hamlib rigctld emulation | wfview

73 Phil M0VSE

dialout is for serial connections. and yes usb is…

Couple of other things to check while I remember:

  • WSJTX - make sure the power slider (bottom right side of window) is high enough … seems like mine kept defaulting to zero.

  • wfview and radio - make sure mode is set correctly to USB-D (both VFO’s if you are using split mode). Hamlib isn’t very smart, unlike when you connect WSJTX directly to radio via USB, and will just use whatever mode as set.

I have everything working fine with IC-7300, but I am sure IC-705 is very similar. Actually I don’t think it matters whether you are using USB or wifi with IC-705 since WSJTX is communicating thru wfview, and wfview does all the radio communication (CI-V and Audio). The key is to be sure to check the “rigcld emulation” button when configuring vfview and then in WSJTS choose “Hamlib NET rigctld” as the radio (NOT IC-705) under the Radio tab. I guess you are using Soundflower for the Audio Codec selection with wifi. If using USB, like I do with IC-7300, then select USB Audio Codec under the Audio tab.

Thank you. I had an error where some of the options where not showing for me in wfview. I dowloaded a different version number and was able to establish the settings you recommend. My issue now is that I get the following error message when I test cat in WSJT-X:

I get the error “network_open: failed to connection to”.
Is wfview a PC? Is the port number set to 4532?
If wsjt-x and wfview are different PCs, you need to set the wfview side PC to open the firewall port.

The default wfview rigctld port is 4533 so it doesn’t interfere with any existing rigctl that’s running on the PC. You need to either change the rigctld port in wfview to the hamlib default of 4532 or use 4533 when connecting from wsjt-x. This is all explained in Hamlib rigctld emulation | wfview

73 Phil is my radio’s IP and I have the ports set correctly. I am using the same computer to run wfview and WSJT-X.

Ok, I got it working now. I did a big dumb… I put my radio’s IP into WSJT-X instead of the loopback IP. Thanks for everyone’s patience and trying to help instead of just saying what you probably wanted to say… RTFM!

If anyone runs into this thread again later and has the same issue here is what to do:

-Get whatever version of wfview shows the “enable rigctld” option under settings. For me that was version 1.2e. 1.1 doesn’t show me all the options on the settings page for some weird reason.

-Set up your IC-705 by going to menu>settings>WLAN set. I wanted my 705 connected to my home wifi instead of connecting to the 705 itself over wifi and losing internet access; so I chose Station as the connection type in the WLAN menu. Go through the rest of the WLAN set menu options to set up everything else.

-In wfview, follow the instructions. Pay close attention to the port numbers and IP addresses in the examples. Use those.

-Configure WSJT-X. Look at the WSJT-X>Preferences menu and input the necessary info on the general and radio tabs.

-Make sure you’re connected to your radio in wfview. Check CAT on the WSJT-X preferences>radio menu.

My problem is I tried to input the radio’s IP instead of the loopback IP of in WSJT-X. wfview does want the radio’s IP to be able to connect to it, but after that you’re not trying to connect to the radio in WSJT-X, you’re trying to connect WSJT-X to wfview… that’s why the loopback is used in conjunction with the SoundFlower 2ch 16 bit as the audio sources.

Hope that helps anyone who is especially dense like I am who also happens to be running an IC-705 and MacOS.

Thanks all for putting up with me and thanks for a wfview!

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