I installed 2.0 and worked fine on its own. I have problems getting it to control WSJTX. It will recieve fine, but won’t transmit or control the 7300 at all. I suspect it’s something with rigctl but still trying to get it figured out. I’m running Ubuntu with Andy’s Ham Radio Linux and 73linux installed. All worked well before.
Any ideas?
It would be useful to know which version of wsjt-x you are using, as the version I have seems to work OK, so it may be version specific?
We have identified a number of issues with the new rigctld code, as our testing has been limited to a few programs, we hadn’t seen these problems.
I was using the improved version by DG2YCB:
Thomas, DL3EL
Oops. Sorry, that would be important! I’m currently running WSJTX v2.7.0-rc3
I see they are up to rc7 now, but something didn’t work when I tried upgrading that. I’m running on a PC also, so not the Raspberry Pi in this case.
I think I got it working! I installed the version by DG2YCB that was mentioned. I had to reinstall some dependencies and do the “apt --fix-broken install” and ran it. Looks like I can transit and change freqs and all that fine now. This fixed the dependencies:
sudo apt install libgfortran5 libqt5widgets5 libqt5network5 \
libqt5printsupport5 libqt5multimedia5-plugins libqt5serialport5 \
libqt5sql5-sqlite libfftw3-single3 libgomp1 libboost-all-dev \
libusb-1.0-0 libportaudio2
Oh…and I want to thank you for the upgrade and all the questions/issues/problems that an upgrade brings out in the forums. I REALLY like that addition of the SWR meter!
Thanks for sharing that. I never saw that version before. Got it installed after some other fiddling around, and it’s working. I really like the additions to that. Thanks for the suggestion!
Ah OK, I am still using an older version for testing, so most likely they have updated to a newer version of Hamlib (with new commands) I will have to install it and find out what is happening.
Hello! First, I am on Windows. I have IC-705 and WSJT-X do not work using serial port. on stable WSJT-X 2.6.1 I was getting error that it can not read frequency from VFO and on WSJT-X 2.7.0 there’s just connection timed out.
Stopped working since wfview 2.0, on 1.6x it was working just fine.
From what Phil M0VSE has been saying there is a bug in the Virtual Serial Port emulation and it will be fixed in v2.01.
Kind regards
Peter Juett