Hi all.
Now we have the new ‘forum’ running, I thought I would post a quick note about configuring email notifications etc.
By default, all users are configured to “Watch” all new topics. Therefore you will receive an email for all new posts. If you don’t want to receive these emails, visit your account Preferences page, under Notifications, Categories. There is a section called Watched, simply remove Uncategorized from within this list and you will not receive email notifications of all new posts.
If you wish to receive a regular Activity Summary (or digest) this is configured in the Emails section of Preferences. You can select how often to receive this summary. The summary isn’t sent if you have recently visited the forum.wfview.org website though.
There are also other email related preferences that can be configured here.
Many of these features are quite new to us as well so I will try to keep people informed of any other things we discover!
73 Phil M0VSE