JS8 call


I have WFView setup for use with ft8 and partially for Winlink (no vfo SYNC control). I have not got it controlling js8. My rig is an IC-705 and js8 needs you to list it as a 7300 civ. Does anybody have this figured out?

Thanks, KJ7PRS

Hi Bryan,

wfview provides a few methods for other programs to share control of the radio.

Check out the Sharing Control part of the User Manual, and let us know if you have further questions.

Thanks and 73,

de W6EL

Is there any link to downloading an offline version of the user manual,

Hi Mike,

We haven’t done that yet, but it’s a good idea. What’s nice about the way we have it right now is that we can easily edit it through the browser. We would need some way to automate going from the web version to a PDF.

de W6EL