Sounds drops out in Windows 11 connected to the Xiegu X6100

I have Xiegu X6100 connected through my network, I have Wfview on windows 11. The radio connects fine but I only have about 30 seconds of audio then the audio drops out. Close Wfview and reopen and 30 more seconds of audio. Can anyone help?

Most likely a network connectivity issue, look in the wfview log for retransmissions. You need to make sure the network between wfview and wfserver is very stable, too many lost packets and it will simply give-up.

Phil’s suggestion reminded me that there is a setting called “RX Latency”. I am no wfview expert by any means, however I wonder if you would see any better performance on RX by assuring it is set to 250 and adjusting from there to see if it has any impact.

Ev, W2EV

I have a X6100 and if I an 1…2m awat fron an AP, it breaks in pieces. Using an ethernet cable direct connected, all is fine rx audiowise

Hello. Can confirm that the same happens on Windows 10 and even with USB-Ethernet connected cable. Starting with sound, then after some time (<60sec) sound distorts and later no sound till reconnecting. Changed latency values, tried different codecs, nothing helps or does no sound at all. Xiegu X6200.

2025-02-04, an, 11:17 Roeland Jansen via wfview <> rašė:

Hi Peter,

This thread is about the Xiegu X6100, please open a new thread with your question.

de W6EL

Hi everyone,

A bit stunned to see this issue affecting even the relatively fresh X6200.

I’ve tried everything – and I mean everything, including but not limited to:

  • Ditching Wi-Fi for a good old-fashioned LAN cable
  • Experimenting with every possible codec and sample rate combination
  • Cycling through all available Linux audio subsystems like a DJ on speed
  • Updating everything to the latest firmware and software versions
  • Ensuring there’s zero packet loss and an RTT so low (1ms) it makes fiber connections jealous

And yet, no matter what I do, after 10 to 30 seconds, the audio always trips over a watchdog timeout.

So, my most pressing question:
Can anyone positively confirm that wfview works with full audio support on Windows when paired with the X6100/X6200?

Or is this just another tall tale that old-timers tell wide-eyed newcomers after one too many schnapps?

Thanks in advance, and 73 de Norbi, DF1PC

What version of wfview are you using?

I don’t have a X6100 or X6200, so I cannot comment on how well it works. But I have yet to receive a single report that these radios can transmit network audio. These radios also lack (as far as I can tell) a way to tell the transmitter to transmit LAN audio versus audio from the mic.

de W6EL

I’m now on the latest 2.03 but had also been trying 1.64 a few months ago.

So that makes two of us. :wink:

But I do wonder a bit why Xiegu went through the trouble of creating beautifully illustrated manuals in multiple languages for connecting wfview if it simply doesn’t work. Strange.

Anyway, many thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

Best regards, Norbi