Unimplemented command “+p”

New Debian testing build. WFview, CQRlog, JTDX from Debian repository. After configuring rig control and loop back audio, everything works fine, except this message, about 2 per second: INF rigctld: Unimplememted command “+p”. If I close CQRlog, the message stops, opening CQRlog again, the messages start again. Doesn’t seem to matter if CQRlog rig control settings are configured for WFview or FLRIG.

Otherwise, everything works great, just one Hugh WFview log file after a few hours of operation.

Thanks to all the team members for a great project!


Hi Mike,

IC-7610, correct?

Try the build script on our Downloads page. I believe the latest version has this bug resolved.

de W6EL

I don’t think that we have implemented that command yet? It should be fairly easy to add though so leave it with me.

73 Phil M0VSE

I guess I can’t send a photo, the script fails, just like my old build. Libcustomplot2.0 is not available. Also, there was an termbin log sent to: https://termbin.com/apv15.

Hi Mike.

That termbin doesn’t exist, so not sure what happened there? I have promoted your account though so you should now be able to post images.

I assume you allowed the build script to install dependencies as libqcustomplot2.0 should be installed by the script. Can you confirm your Debian version?

73 Phil M0VSE

Hi Mike,

Did you press “Y” to install dependencies first?

Just checking.

Maybe it is a library naming issue. Hmm.

de W6EL

sudo apt-get -y install libqcustomplot1.3 libqcustomplot-doc libqcustomplot-dev || ((E=E+1))
    sudo apt-get -y install libqcustomplot2.0 libqcustomplot-doc libqcustomplot-dev || ((E=E+1))
Yes, I tried it adding the dependency, it fails as the library in Debian is:
dep: [libqcustomplot2.1](https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/libqcustomplot2.1) (>= 2.1.0+dfsg1)
Then I tried installing answering no to installing dependencies as WFview was already installed from Debian repositories. I will have to try the install again and take photos to send. I don’t have the Debian machine associated with my email, just use for ham radio.
Possibly I type the wrong termbin log address.
WFview 1.60 is scheduled to move to Debian testing in the repository in 4 days. Currently in SID.


Ah OK, it looks like they have finally included support for QCustomPlot 2.1 in Debian (it’s only been released for 2 years…)

Easy enough to fix, just enter the command:

sudo apt-get install libqcustomplot2.1 

You should then be able to run the build script (select N when asked to install dependencies)

73 Phil M0VSE

Debian version is bookworm (testing). This build was done about 10 days ago, updated and upgraded daily. Desktop version is XCFE if that matters.


Entering that command yields:

“libqcustomplot2.1 is already the newest version (2.1.0+dfsg1-3.1).
libqcustomplot2.1 set to manually installed.”

Synaptic shows it is installed as well.

Hi Mike,

I have upgraded the build script to include the correct version of qcustomplot for your system. You can download the buildscript and try again, it may be easier with the script walking you through it.

You can upgrade your build script by running this command in the same directory that you already have your build script (likely ~/Downloads):

wget https://gitlab.com/eliggett/scripts/-/raw/master/fullbuild-wfview.sh?inline=false -O fullbuild-wfview.sh; chmod 755 fullbuild-wfview.sh

If it fails, can you please post the entire output for us to see? I do appreciate your testing; it’s hard to test on every platform and version and we really rely on folks like you to let us know where there are problems.


de W6EL

See above

Hi Mike,

Please do install dependencies using the build script. Press “Y” when prompted. I believe you are missing the “-dev” package of qcustomplot, and pressing “Y” when asked should install it.

On the other hand, if you did press Y, I am quite curious.

http://termbin.com/0lit for those of us following along at home :).

de W6EL

This is showing the end of the dependency part, the error message is still there, but I pushed enter the last time not looking I guess.

It looks like the updated script isn’t quite right either.

Can you try

sudo apt install libqcustomplot-dev

Then run the build script again?

73 Phil

Result’s attached

Hi Mike,

Looking at some of the package names in sid, I wonder if you can run the following commands:

ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libqcus*
ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQCus*

If it’s got a capital QC in it, we might need to change something in our wfview.pro file.

de W6EL

Based on the patch I see the debian maintainer used for wfview.pro, you will need to make this change:


+++ b/wfview.pro
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ macx:LIBS += -framework CoreAudio -frame
 # CONFIG(release, debug|release):DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT
 CONFIG(debug, release|debug) {
-  !win32: QCPLIB = qcustomplotd
+  !win32: QCPLIB = QCustomPlot
   win32: QCPLIB = qcustomplotd2
   win32 {
     contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64) {
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ CONFIG(debug, release|debug) {
 } else {
-  !win32: QCPLIB = qcustomplot
+  !win32: QCPLIB = QCustomPlot
   win32: QCPLIB = qcustomplot2
   win32 {
     contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64) {

Basically change qcustomplot to QCustomPlot. You will then need to run qmake and make again.

We will investigate if there is a way we can keep our wfview.pro file working across all environments.

de W6EL

Here is the results.

Appreciate your help, however the patch looks a bit over my pay grade!

I am new to Linux, have been able to get by with most things. I think I will just wait 3 more days in hopes that version 1.60 makes it into Debian testing, and there is a fix for my original question with CQRLOG.

Thanks again.