X6100 Wfview firmware - TCP?

Got the new firmware with Wfview running and functioning. Is there a way to set RigCtld ON and set a TCP port number that can be used f.e. in N1MM?



Hi Elliott.

I should have been clearer :-). That is what I use when I run Wfview on a computer connected to the X6100 but now with the new firmware I run Wfview in the X6100 and there is no option in the Wfview menu in the X6100 to set the TCP port and activate RigCtld.

Wfview is NOT running on the X6100, only wfserver, this doesn’t contain rigctld. The only way is to connect to the embedded wfserver from your wfview client, you can then use tcp/rigctld.

Aha got it. Might have been nice to have that control embedded as then it really can run stand-alone somewhere else as front-end.

I don’t stop you to install hamlib on the x6100. No reason to believe it won’t work with some work.

A bit out of my comfort zone but maybe for a long winter evening :slight_smile:

Could someone please details the process here for this as we are a bit stupid upstairs to work it out. Ie myself, getting old is not for crybabies LoL.



What, specifically, do you need help with?

de W6EL

Hi, Sorry for the delay.
In my day I did VB and c++ programming, but age has decomated the brain cells and I am unable to concentrate as I used to. I want to interface the x6100 with SDR CONTROL app as I can use it when out /p or pedestrian mobile.I am not sure if WFView can be used as an app on ios. The author is not interested unless I have an icom rig, but I have seen people on youtube using the app with x6100, but its all hush hush you know !


We do not have an iOS app nor are we familiar with how to make SDR control work with the x6100. You might want to contact those YouTube channels and see if they can provide a guide.

de W6EL

Hi, I have tried but they are not sharing the info just a basic keep trying.

You paid for the app, maybe ask the author?
In essence it should be easy.

yikes, $99 for that app. thats a tad high

yes, One would expect it to be easy, but the authorr is adamant that he would help anyone excepting those with an icom rig.
I suspect he’s a bit agro that people are misusing the app hence the no tech help attitude. He should actually be grateful that his app is getting more coverage and possible more orders flooding in. I also suspect he may re-program the app to exclude other non icom users.
I accidently purchased the app, so …


to be honest, I am more interested how he got the ethernet interface working so easy.
It feels like borrowing code from another project or so.

having said that, the X6100 is like a 705 when it comes to control. sort of. etc…

Well, youtube videos show it working with x6100, but getting info from them is like getting a hen to lay the golden egg. I followed their videos but did not get any connection. I even went sofar as to get a wifi extender to ensure I had a strong signal. I get the wifi connected indication on the x6100 but I suspect there is something missing or the app software has been modded already to prevent and connection unless a icom rig is used .

Now I have it working. Using WiFi is so-so unless the x6100 is next to the Ap. Wired with ethernet makes it better.

First of all how do you connect? Does your x6100 have the Xiegu f/w?

Well, just before I went to bed, I gave it another try and and and it worked. It took me a few seconds to realize what was going on. I reckon the wifi extender must have had something to do with it as I had just set it up a few hours before. I can walk around the QTH and have “the signal” and will try the back yard after a cuppa coffee, its 7am here.
I suggest those still struggling get a wifi extender or try very close ( next to) the rig, or add an additional wifi sig booster pcb inside with antenna outside. With surface mount components it can be very small, just the eyes need help…hi


I just lost the connection and when I checked the wlan settings it was all blank and now cannot connect, One question, is the ip address on the rig and on the app the same ?
